A hit that does 60 damage may appear strong, but it is actually very weak if it must wait a whole minute before hitting again. So bear in mind, gas-dependent units are weaker than the data suggests. youngminii points out that gas is actually more valuable than minerals since they take longer to harvest. Keep in mind the drawbacks: Protoss remains slightly stronger than the data suggests. Also, I'm human and make mistakes, and let me know when (but please do so politely). For example, Ghosts look terrible on the chart, but we actually know Ghosts have major benefits not accounted for here. A player needs to take this data for what it's worth, then judge the other factors accordingly. Many units have spells, range, are faster on foot, climb cliffs, can attack air, subject to tier, etc. It does not attempt to be an 'end-all, make only this unit' sort of thing. It takes into account only limited quantitative information.
#1 Disclaimer: this data serves only as a bird's eye view of the SC2 units.